Comment 31723

By schmadrian (registered) | Posted June 12, 2009 at 14:12:57

View the Ken Burns documentary 'New York', specifically regarding how Robert Moses and his view of the automobile's primacy in that city shaped the entire nation's slant towards cars. It's really quite sad.

I'd love to hire a 'futurist' to design North America as if the car had never been established as the centre of the value system. If transportation -and indeed, society itself- had been designed around another method. (I have some ideas, but nothing fully-fleshed.) What a bizarre concept, such a wasteful form of transport not only being a means to get from Point A to Point B, but also a strictly possessory item, something to buttress self-esteem. Imagine how different lives would be if the money spent over a lifetime on cars was invested in experiential ways, instead.

What a shame.

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