Comment 31698

By Jonathan Dalton (registered) | Posted June 12, 2009 at 08:24:58

"Properties cannot simply be expropriated, I don't believe Universities have these powers and the City can't expropriate and turn around and flip it. You can only expropriate for a municipal need. If expropriation were that simple you'd think the City would expropriate strip clubs, peep shows and known drug havens. "

The city has done exactly that - for example, the Sandbar (crackhouse) and Maxim's (strip joint). The problem is how long the process takes. Malicious uses of property need to be defined, and surface parking lots downtown should be at the top of their list. Their parasitic effects on downtown vitality are simply unmatched. I am not proposing that they be torn up overnight, but a plan needs to be formulated for dealing with them. Loans and tax breaks are not aggressive enough.

They expropriated entire blocks of legitimate and profitable businesses for Jackson Square and City Hall which affected hundreds of individual property owners, some of which had served the community for decades. It should be much easier to take one property from the hands of one owner who is using it inappropriately to the detriment of the entire community.

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