Comment 31573

By Mahesh P. Butani (anonymous) | Posted June 08, 2009 at 10:08:58

Congratulations Ryan on bringing forth this thought!

I believe it is from this kind of thinking that evolutionary change will be driven in our region.

It is refreshing to see an 'idea', and not politics or predispositions that is calling for change! This in itself is a remarkable and pioneering stance - besides the obvious immense benefits, naturally springing from the adoption of your proposal at every level in our community.

Discovering emergent patterns in our region is the first step towards nudging fossilized or just tired mindsets towards change, and possibly even breaking down the misguided silos and gated communities in our midst.

Our collective future as a community depends on strategic moves such as this - and I am confident that our politicians and staff at City Hall will embrace this 'idea with legs' - and enable you and all those here - in developing a rapid plan of action to make it a reality.

Wasting away such positive thinking and collective enthusiasm in politically funded project reports, or public-private technology round-tables, is something our political and community leaders simply cannot afford with this 'idea' in light of the oncoming election season.

Looking forward to seeing more such ideas in the coming months!


Mahesh P. Butani

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