Comment 31441

By Chris Angel (registered) | Posted June 01, 2009 at 14:17:30

Don't be confused it is very straight forward. Despite all the crap about philanthropy Ecklund owns Eckland Marketing Group which is a potential beneficiary of City of Hamilton business. It may have already have recieved contracts or other business with the city or perhaps not. In any event it could. Whitehead should have owned up that it was inappropriate to attend Ecklunds box, but would not. If he is buying cars from him I don't wonder that he is stone walling on this. There are a few nickel and dime sleaze bags who don't want there little ducets to dry up - they like freebees. They would like to muddy the waters and feign ignorance of what is appropriate or not and Whitehead is one. That does not wash in this day and age. They are doing their best to tun back the clock to an era when even 3rd string politicians were courted with gifts. Too bad for these douches those days are gone.

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