Comment 31396

By Random Screen Name (anonymous) | Posted May 29, 2009 at 16:23:53

^^"That does not give it a pass to give different standards to people depending on their lobby, but we should not be so quick to mangle an opportunity when someone wishes to spearhead a way to promote Hamilton without changing or 'developing' it."

Sorry but I have to speak out on this one. NO ONE is telling Ecklund not to promote his city of waterfalls initiative, from the comments above most people think it's a pretty good idea.

Ecklund HIMSELF is the one that pulled the plug just because an ethics committee questioned if it's appropriate for two councilors to accept the 'gift' of seats in his private box.

If he's being criticized now, it's not because of his Waterfalls plan or even his lobbying efforts (if they ARE lobbying efforts, not even the committee seems it can figure this out), it's because of his ridiculous over-reaction after the committee was just doing it's job!

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