Comment 30961

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted May 09, 2009 at 16:54:31

Highwater >> it's not the content of your arguments, but rather your belligerent style of arguing that would earn a down vote from me.

If that was true, you wouldn't keep responding to what I say, you love having me around.

JonC >> I don't believe that your statement "Hamilton's downtown, which has the greatest density of city services" is true.

There is the Central Library, Copps Coliseum, AGH, Hamilton Place, Hamilton Convention Centre, and access to almost every single transit route. Compare that with Dundas or Ancaster, which have very little transit availability, small public libraries, yet much higher property values and far less run down buildings.

If people love living near government services, then property values should be higher downtown and lower in the outlying areas of the city. But the opposite is true. In fact, it appears that property values go up, the less government spending there is. Which, of course, was the experience in Boston, when the state capped government spending at 2.5% per year and assessment growth (from the private sector) took off.

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