Comment 30941

By Hopeful (registered) | Posted May 08, 2009 at 10:25:53

Trey, Thanks for trying to bring this back on track (although I guess I'm the one who moved it from a humourous jab at Burlington to comparative rants in the first place --- sorry). I agree wholeheartedly with your comments above on Hamilton. Having just been involved with the sale of a house in Burlington I can vouch for the tax spread not being as great as some suggest and your point that community sports (as well as a lot of other things) are available less expensively here than there. This makes them more inclusive since a lot of people in Hamilton would not have the ability to participate in Burlington activities with high user fees and a lot of people in Burlington (especially families with large mortgages) are stretched economically by these extra costs.
As I've said, I hope that we can learn from our neighbours and do what's best for us. Hamilton not only has a lot of potential --- it has a lot going for it already! Hopefully forums and discussions like this can help it prosper. Thanks for your work towards this.

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