Comment 30938

By Big Red Wright (anonymous) | Posted May 08, 2009 at 10:00:00

Couple of comments:
Montreal= no rights on red. Folks, including pedestrians, seem to get about.

War on drivers. Well, at last someone seems to get it. I don't think it would be that way if cities were not so thoroughly designed for automobiles and the car economy at present. The car economy may have peaked with further growth being unsustainable, but change is also going to be painful.

There's opportunity in being first in your region to be the multi-modal community, immaginatively redesigning transportation for all forms of human transport. What about colour-coded paving -- green for bikes, red (brick) for pedestrians, black for cars and yellow for areas of intersection where caution is essential? Would brighten the old town too. Then extending bike and pedestrian paths through PARKING LOTS as is often done through parks. How about considering multi-modal transit when locating public facilities, and not just where there's an easily developed brownfield?

Hamilton wants to be seen as a transportation hub? Engineering an entire, attractive system for pedestrians, transit, bikes and cars to get about while minimizing confrontation is an excellent way to promote this. Call it another example of the city's much lauded "potential."

If you're going to get a lot of squeeling over every incremental step, might as well go the whole hog.

As for Dundurn, close it between King & Main, reduce it to single-lane access for east-side residents, bikes and pedestrians. Not single-lane plus bike path and sidewalk but one, combined, limited-access path for all. This is war!

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