Comment 30898

By JonC (registered) | Posted May 07, 2009 at 15:20:27

It factually would lower city revenue in the short term, the guessing is in whether the future income would exceed current income levels. Which you adamantly believe they will without having any solid evidence (since you believe that correlations are simplistic and only work in the direction that argues to your favour)

Admitting ambiguity has nothing to do with a lack of care. If anything, the certainty that begin all 'discuss' with implies a lack of caring as you have no desire to further educate yourself.

So, what does any of that have to do with the lower tax rate that you begin your reply with? I'll save you the time, the answer is nothing.

And your lack of refuting implies that you accept the confirmation that you are a one idea man. A zealot. Which, is a little sad. I mean it explains why you can never bend or admit fault in yourself. If you did, then it would imply weakness in your one idea, the concept that you base your superiority around. A nuanced world where sometimes taxes need to be increased and sometimes they need to be decreased and sometimes redirected to collect from different streams would be far to complicated to fit into your binary reality. Matching this up with some of your other posts, it seems that you've correlated taxes with evil. I could be wrong and reading too much into things, but it would certainly clarify your rigidity.

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