Comment 30861

By JonC (registered) | Posted May 07, 2009 at 07:20:25

A Smith>> Is bigger government, ALL THINGS BEING RELATIVELY EQUAL, a better way to generate wealth and new products for consumers? Yes or No?

a) all things are not equal, not even close.

b) there is no yes or no answer to that question and that is the difference between debating and the godly absolutism that you are still amazed that us rubes haven't accepted as fact yet.

Ryan >> I'm getting a strong message from users that the quality of commentary has been in decline.

A Smith>> I agree, almost every article and comment is about government spending and regulation. It's just too much.

I must have missed the part where this article, tagged as humour with absolutely nothing to do with spending or regulation, was about spending or regulation. I did go back and reread the first line of your response. "The difference between Hamilton and Burlington's downtown is that people in Burlington have lower tax rates"

Ryan Many people are specifically frustrated with your a) absolute refusal to adhere to even the most basic principles of reasoning from evidence

A Smtih Coming from people who believe that planting trees is more important to Hamilton's economy, than allowing individuals and businesses to spend and invest more of their income, that doesn't surprise me.

More evidence of your excellent reasoning skills

Ryan trolling of every single posted article or blog entry to flog your one. Single. Idea.

A Smith That one single idea

Mark this post as the one where Smith admits that he only has one idea

Ryan You have single-handedly posted ten percent of all the comments

A Smith What do they say, 20% of the people produce 80% of the wealth.

So I guess you fall into the 80% forming 20%

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