Comment 30832

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted May 06, 2009 at 13:57:01

JonC >> You clearly have no concept of why governments exist in the first place

To take money from people like yourself, who feel insecure in making their own decisions.

>> That you believe a society could be held together by individuals making every single economic transaction

The USSR had 100% government spending and how did it fare? 1917 to 1991, 74 years and not much in the way of an economic legacy to the world.

Compare that to the U.S., where from 1776 to 1929, government spending comprised less than 10% of GDP (exception being WWI) and where it became the preeminent economic power in the world, producing many valuable inventions ( ).

If government spending is so important, how do you explain all these important inventions that came from an economy with less than 10% government spending? It's as if you have no clue what your talking about.

>> The money spent by the government is primarily in large scale infrastructure

First of all, fixed investment (infrastructure) in 2008 accounted for only 52B out of an economy of 1602B, making it about 3.1% of GDP. The bulk of government spending went to transfer payments and wages to public employees. Don't you get tired of me having to correct your "facts"?

>> our nation has decided to make sure all citizens are at least given a chance at having some sort of sustainable life

And with residential tax rates in Hamilton capped at the GTA average of 1%, this would be put in dire jeopardy. How does Burlington do it? There should be anarchy there and yet, Hamilton has more poverty and run down buildings then they do. It just doesn't make sense. You make me laugh Jon, you're ignorance is so pure and complete, you're a throwback to a time before people had access to books and other sources of information.

>> Do you have valid points hidden in there somewhere?

Yes, I do.

>> I couldn't care less anymore as you never care to actually engage in conversation,

I didn't ask if you care. Just listen and soak it in. It will be good for you.

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