Comment 30827

By arienc (registered) | Posted May 06, 2009 at 13:09:20

As a Burlington resident with a fondness for both cities, I can tell you that the higher housing prices in Burlington have absolutely nothing to do with tax rates.

The taxes on a 2000 sq. ft home in Hamilton are actually lower than on the comparable home in Burlington. The Burlington resident pays more for their home (on average about $80K), pays more taxes and receives similar service (actually less if they choose not to be automobile dependent). Why, then would anyone consider living here? Clearly, over 20,000 people have realized that they get a better deal in Hamilton, as that is approximately how many Hamiltonians commute to work in the City of Burlington.

Proximity to Toronto is the major factor. Tbat also explains why Oakville prices are $30K higher than Burlington's, and Mississauga prices are higher than Oakville's.

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