Comment 30728

By Semisuite (anonymous) | Posted May 02, 2009 at 08:24:43

As a company driver for a major carrier, I have NO options! I go where THEY say to go, I don't get to pick & choose. I fuel where THEY decide. I can't modify the truck - I can't add an APU if I wanted to. I couldn't afford one anyway.

Targeting the company driver for trying to survive is inhumane. We drivers HAVE nowhere to go to stay warm & safe to sleep. If you think paying for a motel room every night is a reasonable solution, try it yourself, while keeping your family fed. They don't pay us enough to do that.

The Idle-Aire service at the truck stops is nearly as expensive as a motel room, & doesn't even come with a commode & shower!

Some states that have no idling laws in place are charging $25,000 fines and/or jail. This is extreme. The big corporations get "cap & trade", we get jail & a fine that's higher than the price of a new car! What's the difference? The corporations simply MUST produce their widgets & pollution is a necessary evil. We drivers just want to stay alive.

I'm not against clean air! I would totally agree with the no idling laws IF it were aimed at the right target, the trucking COMPANIES who fail to provide a safe environment for their drivers to work & sleep in.

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