Comment 30575

By Chronamut (registered) - website | Posted April 28, 2009 at 16:33:19

Personally I have never liked the lister block - the architectural details are In my opinion - unsalvageable in theiur current state - I mean sure the rendering makes them look all pretty but close up they are pocked with dirt and rust and it all just makes me kind of ill. If they replaced all of the architectural elements - like new stone - and use a lighter brick - nothing says 1900s like that almost black sooty brick - maybe a slightr more red brick than the rendering would be nice - then yes - mabe. But as I see it right now with the incompetance of the city that building is either going to rot as it stands or it is going to be torn down. Either get on the city to do something or let them tear it down.

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