Comment 30573

By Rusty (registered) - website | Posted April 28, 2009 at 16:14:46

New York rocks! Janette Sadik-Khan is a very impressive lady. There are two key points in Hume's article which stood out for me:

  1. "In Toronto, the stumbling point has always been a culture that devalues the public realm, a lack of political will and a recalcitrant municipal bureaucracy. The answer, says Sadik-Khan, is the pilot project. "

  2. "It also helps that New York, a metropolis of more than 8 million, is divided into 59 areas, each with its own local council."

It will always be a struggle in Hamilton to get a consensus with a divided council and weak Mayor system. However, if the city can get some pilot projects going maybe some headway could be made... It's all a matter of getting people to appreciate the vision.

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