Comment 30506

By jason (registered) | Posted April 26, 2009 at 08:03:58

I love the thought process of some folks involved with the market. Let's move it into an old mall with no market-feel, no character and no drawing power just to save joe-lazy a 2 minute walk from his office tower.

If they ever pulled off a stunt like that, I'd instantly become a regular at the Ottawa St Farmers Market.

Thankfully, we know it won't happen. The $10 million is already designated, design work done on both the street and facility.
Still, it's funny how some people think.
You've got work beginning to turn the market back into what it historically was - the central gathering/shopping spot in our downtown, and some people want to stay in the shell of an old mall. Lol.

As I said, it's fine for a temporary location, and rather stunning that this much space was sitting empty in Jackson Sq, but it would be one of the crummiest market locations in Canada if they were to make it permanent.

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