Comment 30326

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted April 21, 2009 at 16:24:58

As I understand it, the city automatically gets a 2.5% increase every year. On top of that, it also gets additional revenue to account for assessment growth. The overrides account for all other spending increases and these require a majority vote from the electorate. There are also special cases for sewer and septic spending that do not require majority vote.

There are also underrides, which lower spending limits for local governments. These too require majority vote by the populace.

Here is an official primer that is likely more accurate than my brief intro...

>> more biased and non-factual media reporting

There will always be bias, it's up to the people to inform themselves.

>> potential to log jam city council

It would actually free council to focus on getting the basics right first. If the big ticket items were left up to the people to decide, this would make the politicians life less stressful.

>> I wonder if there are other cities that have become death holes due to the same policy?

I'll see what I can come up with. However, on the face of it, it seems that making spending more accountable to the people is a good thing, while also allowing for the basics to be provided efficiently.

>> wouldn't transportation projects like LRT and RHVP be considered basic infrastructure?

They would be considered capital expenditure outlay exclusions under Prop 2 1/2 and would require 2/3 vote by council to be put to a vote and majority vote by the people to pass.

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