Comment 30233

By jason (registered) | Posted April 17, 2009 at 18:49:06

Ryan, I'm as perplexed as you. I've met occasional Hamiltonians who actually seem to revel in the state of our city. They'll fork out thousands to fly to Boston, Paris, San Fran and enjoy real city life, and then return home and do everything possible to stand in the way of making changes that will bring some of that prosperity and vibrancy to Hamilton.

Portland was on track to become a mini-LA back in the 70's and their downtown showed it. It was this time period where they stopped and said "hang on. Do we REALLY want our city to look like LA??". The obvious answer was no and it was this change of city priorities that led to the development of their first LRT line.

Boston's entire North End was slated for demolition and look at it today. Hamilton's market square and old York St could have had the same success had we given it the chance.

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