Comment 30196

By FenceSitter (anonymous) | Posted April 16, 2009 at 19:18:24

This is a great site for debate. Lets keep it an open debate. Mr. Meister adds some sensible points which are worth discussing (no, this is not Mr Meisters mother typing). Lets not trash anyone challenges the raise the hammer status quo.

Hamilton will not change overnight. Yes we need more residents downtown, yes we need better and more friendly transport alternatives.

While I like the idea of a LRT with a King-Main split downtown, I am happy to hear any of the other options.

Does an LRT automatically fix the issues discussed here, namely pedestrian friendly and cycle friendly streets? Downtown revitalisation??I am sure it will act as a catalyst, but maybe we need to seperate some of the issues facing Hamilton. I do not think we should wait 10 to 15 years or longer (for LRT, am i realistic here??) for Hamilton to address the current cycle and pedestrian issues. I hope Jason gets a relaxing safe ride to work sooner than that.

For the record, I have 2 cars and cannot wait to find work back in the downtown area so I can walk/cycle/bus and dump one if not both vehicles, with or without the LRT.

Thankyou RTH contributors, even this site is part of the solution.

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