Comment 30174

By jason (registered) | Posted April 16, 2009 at 13:32:59

so you're still living in that old 'left vs right' world eh capitalist?

Here's some research you should do that'll put a dent into those media-inspired thoughts.

Go look at the following financial numbers for each US administration over the past 50+ years:

  • size of national debt upon taking office and leaving office
  • size of government payroll upon taking office and leaving office
  • level of government spending upon taking office and leaving office
  • number of government employees upon taking office and leaving office
  • employment/unemployment numbers upon taking office and leaving office
  • growth/shrinkage of GDP during each adminstration

Ideologies make for good ratings and yelling shows on FOX/CNN but are generally full of ignorance. It's best to know what government is really doing before jumping on board with a bunch of talking heads whose only goal is to make money for their employee.

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