Comment 30084

By Larry Di Ianni (anonymous) | Posted April 13, 2009 at 10:06:40

I don't want to interfere with people's 'stream of consciousness' on the side-bar issue of land negotiations. But just for the record, before people's motives are criticized. There were two owners on the former Grand site on John St. (so-called 27 John even though it was more than one address). One owner had the former Liaison College property and he is a local person. The other was an ownership group from Toronto and elsewhere, I understand. The Liaison College owner is a very responsible and honourable gentleman who made a deal and wanted to assist the development. The Toronto group was not realistic about their property and didn't come to the table until much too late.

Nevertheless, the new location is a great one. Once this project is complete, it will help out all the properties in the area as well as provide much needed hotel space in the city.

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