Comment 30082

By TreyS (registered) | Posted April 13, 2009 at 09:50:50

There will be a new homes sales office in 30 days on the site.

Breaking ground this summer.

Shell will first begin to clean the property.

The remaining suites are expected to be sold in 60 days.

Digging out the soil and removing the storage tanks. They will leave the hole for Stinson to begin building the parking garage. Aso saving money for both Shell and Stinson, because Shell won't have to fill the hole and Stinson won't have to redig the hole.

The Crazy Horse location (27 John) remains in the hands of the owners. I don't know who they are. Stinson will not close on the property. The rental agreement for his office ends on the 15th. The owners 'decided' to negotiate with Stinson on a price, the 10th, the day before his announcement. Just a little bit Too late. I guess they thought he was bluffing about the Shell location.

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