Comment 30067

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted April 11, 2009 at 19:49:55

LL, this is from parecon >> "The claim of parecon is that decision making input is apportioned in proportion to degree affected by virtue of the operations of workers and consumers councils, balanced job complexes (creating the conditions necessary to participation), and self managed decision making algorithms of voting. The claim's veracity depends on the logic of participatory planning, but the attainment of the claim regarding workplace decisions in respect to relative impact on workers in the workplace, ought to be evident."

Can you tell me what this means in one sentence?

More parecon >> "But, in fact, there is no loss and is instead actually a gain in quality of decisions the closer to participatory self management we get, without, of course, wasting time seeking perfect compliance.

If that's true, then why are no major companies run by their workers?

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