Comment 30064

By jason (registered) | Posted April 11, 2009 at 09:07:53

Mr Meister, you're again helping to make my point. Downtown Portland was nothing like it currently is back in the 60's before construction of the LRT lines began. LRT and proper growth planning has led to a dense downtown with great retail, jobs and residential growth. That city drew a line around the city and said "no development until our urban areas are redeveloped." And unlike here, they didn't keep expanding the boundary everytime a buddy showed up with some money at city hall.

We have large destinations here just as they do, and one of the main points of LRT is to redevelop downtown into a downtown like theirs. Some people may love the status quo as they fly along King East through central Hamilton, but I envision a future like Portland's for the Hammer.

While they are the only city in their state of any decent size, keep in mind, we have millions of people within a one hour drive of our city. Hamilton's downtown could become a massive hub of jobs with GO Transit/LRT connections for many folks to come into town each day.

You're right about the airport comparison...ours will never be like theirs with Pearson nearby. Otherwise, there is no reason why we can't see Hamilton develop more fully along LRT lines in both the lower and upper city.

Also, if you disagree with my MAX line length descriptions, take it up with Trimet, their transit agengy. That's where I got my info:

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