Comment 30047

By Really? (registered) | Posted April 09, 2009 at 15:12:57

Actually, Jason, it's those moving into Downtown Toronto from outside of the City that make it so exciting. As far as I know plenty of 'Torontonians' have moved to the suburbs, and it's most Young Urband Professionals (aka YUPPIES) from smaller towns/communities who desire an urban lifestyle that make Downtown Toronto so lively.

If you had nothing but Torontonians moving downtown, everyone would walk all over eachother, no one would say 'Hello', and that friendly 'Hamiltonian' attitude will be wiped from existance... or into the suburbs.

Would you REALLY want to live in a city full of Rushed, Rude & Arrogant Torontonians? Really? I live downtown and I know I don't!

If this announcement is nothing other than, "The Hotel has sold enough units to start contstruction", then I will stop having faith in Stinson and his radical ways!

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