Comment 30043

By Frank (registered) | Posted April 09, 2009 at 08:43:44

In my head I can see on direction running down downtown King street now with a wider sidewalk on the one side and parking on the other. There are already a fair amount of trees but a little bit more streetscaping would be great... Of course the part I'm speaking of is the single short two lane section just past Victoria. But traffic's always moving slowly (a good thing) and I invariably see something I've never seen before. Main will need some MAJOR work because of it's sheer width but it'd be awesome to turn both of those stretches into the same sort of feel.

As far as crossing the 403, I'd think that a strictly LRT bridge where both can cross would be the easiest way to do it. Alternatively they'd have to install 2 bridges (more land appropriation costs) or use/demolish the existing bridges which are both not so good of an option.

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