Comment 30038

By jason (registered) | Posted April 08, 2009 at 22:09:01

an idea, I'm with you 100%. Once we get around to designing the route with stops/stations, I'll certainly be an advocate for having a stop at the MUMC and then running the LRT up the centre of campus with a second stop in the University Hall-Student Centre area and then back out to Main St and on to University Plaza. We'd be crazy to skip over our university with LRT. It's a massive, built-in ridership and a huge city destination. Yes, it would have been awesome to see LRT through Westdale, but that's obviously not going to happen now. Perhaps someday a local streetcar route will be developed that connects Westdale with the Innovation Park, Locke St Dundurn/Victoria Park and our new (possible) PanAm stadium on Barton.

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