Comment 30024

By hems (anonymous) | Posted April 08, 2009 at 12:16:29

A great posting Jason. I think a major deciding factor in putting in the most efficient and effective LRT system in Hamilton will be the 403 juncture overpass. I haven't seen any engineering reports on how they would evaluate going over the 403 on King and Main Streets but I think, once they get started on a two line system such as King and Main, a decision will have to be made on how to approach the 403 so the LRT can link up with Westdale and McMaster University.

I personally think that the King/Main idea makes a lot of sense. First, it would work with the flow of the existing traffic structure. Second, it would be more cost effective to implement and third, it would help with quick turn-around options at Dundurn, Queen and Paradise.

Really look forward to seeing how this would go forward.

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