Comment 29902

By hunter (anonymous) | Posted April 03, 2009 at 11:39:35

i take by the lack of posts here that everyone is very pleased with this result.

eisenberger made some comments to the effect that there were more efficiencies to be had but didn't want cause more layoffs in this economy. i would disagree with the mayor's position in this case. if taxes could have been reduced at the expense of a few non-essential city jobs, then i think they should have made those cuts. lower property taxes would have a much more beneficial economic effect than keeping a few on the payroll. it seems that 1.7 was much better then projected so they decided to stop there and call it a day.

in any case, the low tax increase bodes well for the time when the social services costs will be uploaded. now if the services could just be dispersed geographically...

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