Comment 29753

By Deputy Dawg (anonymous) | Posted March 26, 2009 at 10:53:09

Here is a prime example of graffiti 'art' being painted with the same brush as graffiti 'tagging'...yet, because there was no permission to create the 'art', the judicial system is correct in charging Gibson. My hope is that he will not face any convictions, but rather hired by the City to create more creative 'art' pieces.

This is a sad case wherein a highly talented individual fails to seek permission, or create a 'business case' to showcase his art accordingly, and as such, is lumped in with the neanderthals who scribble their signatures on anything that doesn't move. There needs to be a better way to communicate to individuals who want to create images on how to do so correctly...or else they are going to be continued to be piled into the same group as those which seek to willfully damage property.

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