Comment 29542

By H Mag (anonymous) | Posted March 12, 2009 at 22:52:54

Notimpressed said: "Instead of screwing around and waiting for the next election so we can try to vote out someone instead of voting for someone, why don't people here actually try to come up with people in Hamilton that people could actually vote for?

poking fun and making stupid lists does nothing to change things."

Boy - folks in this town have no sense of humour. What we're trying to say with this exercise is - we can do a whole lot better in council than the current clowns.

Come out to the Guelph Civic League talk on the 19th to find out how we can realistically mount a campaign to find the right candidates. Until then - have fun with this posting...we're obviously not gonna change the ways of city council right now...but we can build to something better for Nov. 2010

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