Comment 29439

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted March 09, 2009 at 19:20:20

ACSial >> Food scarcity is a very real issue.

Pakistan and many other countries have price controls on food. If you take a look at the history of price controls, you will realize that they cause shortages, much worse than the problem their trying to solve.

>> Even here in Canada, you can see the cost of food rise and quality worsen.

Yes, food prices did jump from 2006 to 2008, but they're on their way back down.

>> Evacuating densly-populated, transit-dependant areas can also be a nightmare, as evidenced by New Orleans.

And yet people still desire to live near the coasts.

>> I hate seeing whole neighborhoods (Brentwood, &c.) full of niqab-wearing Salafis and ads for the Calgary Muslim Stampede Breakfast ("dress modestly")

One way to solve the problem of having to deal with people you don't like would be to start your own city, or town. I would support your right to have a private community, even if it was based on ethnicity or race. What I don't support is you dictating your preferences to the country as a whole. Furthermore, what is wrong with a group of people who embrace the Calgary Stampede, even if they put their own spin on it. Over time, they become more like "us" and we will become more like "them", it just takes time.

One last important question, where would our food culture be if not for immigrants?

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