Comment 29358

By Woody10 (registered) | Posted March 05, 2009 at 16:41:06

I moved from Hamilton to Toronto awhile back, and boy was it an eye opener.

All the Toronto people for all those years slagging off Hamilton for slummy areas, bums, closed storefronts etc. What a joke. There are way more in Toronto, of every negative. They just hide it better behind their highrises and fancy stores. Take a walk around Bloor West Villiage and head north. In about 5 minutes of walking you will think you are on Barton st. Or walk down some of China Towns smaller streets, SCARY!!! Not to mention I was offered to buy drugs almost every time I walked down Yonge st. Never once in any part of Hamilton. And constantly asked for change every corner.

I was so happy to move out of TO and back to this wonderfull (needs some work, I know) city.

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