Comment 2926

By schmadrian (registered) | Posted January 12, 2007 at 11:58:58

"Go for a walk sometime from Victoria Park to Fortinos to Locke South and back to Victoria Park. And then remember that all westbound buses come east along Main, not King - which means this walking route is our fabulous choice for simply taking the bus or walking to a Locke St cafe for coffee. "

Jason: I've lived in this neighbourhood, my dad still lives there, I'm there all the time.

And the entire enterprise, the two one-way streets...negate any aspect of calling that vast swath of land a 'neighbourhood'. Get off those two 'thoroughfares', and yes, some beautiful communities, great, interesting, 'homey' houses. But if you want an example of what's wrong with Hamilton, look no further than the traffic ideology here. I hate walking on either of these two roads. I'd prefer to drive!

Shame on all those who made this particular slice of the city what it is. Shame.

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