Comment 29131

By Cityjoe (anonymous) | Posted February 25, 2009 at 23:57:59

The Cycling Championship, The Canadian Open Golf Tourney, & Soft Ball Baseball Tourneys generated interest & money in Hamilton without a ton of expenses. Why don't we just do things like this until the economic picture becomes better, or at least clearer? I'm sure that other events, both sports & cultural could be looking for a place just like Hamilton for a venue.

I'm not saying we should never try for the Pan Am Games, I'm just saying that we should give it a few years.

(I'm glad that somebody has made it clear that they don't want Pan Am facilities built in 'Cow Country'. I'm sure that the cows feel the same way. However, history doesn't seem to agree. Nobody seems to want to do anything with Downtown brownfield development, no matter how much more sense it makes to be downtown.)

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