Comment 29043

By woody10 (registered) | Posted February 24, 2009 at 18:37:39

Lets face it, for years this city has said no to many, many development proposals. Far more than ones that they have approved. And what has happened?? Has the decline stopped, has poverty dissapeared, have the potholes and roads gotten filled/better?? No, they're worse. It is time to try the other route, build something that will leave a legacy and will be built with alot of money that doesn't come directly from the city coffers. Yes alot will, but alot has already gone to filling pot holes, poverty etc. Maybe some of those kids who live with welfare parents can get jobs by or in the stadium and change the cycle of welfare breeding welfare. I still can't believe the negative attitude of some people. For the first time in 30 odd years, I'm actually excited about the possibilities for the future of this "behind the times city" that I love.

And I hate to be truly negative but, if we don't get awarded these games and build the stadium. There is little hope for this city. We will always be looked at as the steel town dump.

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