Comment 29012

By Grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted February 24, 2009 at 09:05:12

Jason: For poverty reduction to happen there are number of things that must occur and one is assets, so if people are not making a living wage where then can purchase assets, where does it leave them, no where.

The policies of workfare and Elect to work must be eliminated period, those that struggle, struggle more because of these policies. Does it make sense to you if we have someone who is on either ODSP or Ontario works, who are trying to make the transition to employment, when the system forces them into temp work, where ones employment rights are basically non existant? Let me put it to this way, so a person takes a temp job and then they make a complaint about a health and safety issue in the workplace, what happens. The person that makes the complaint is dismissed, there is no recourse and at present there is no law that protects a worker from this happening.

I got into a debate with a unionized worker over this issue who said the law protects workers from being dismissed, which is a fallacy , as the MOL does not protect ones job, a person who is low income cannot afford a lawyer, there is no legal aid.

Yet here we have our wonderful system that pushes people into these types of jobs, which can be an endless cycle of poverty, so if the policies are not changed, nothing will change. It is bascially the equivalent of slavery.

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