Comment 28998

By jason (registered) | Posted February 23, 2009 at 16:03:33

another quality post from capitalist.

In my view, PanAm is neither here nor there. The Cats need a new stadium (I love Ivor Wynne, but 80 years is a little past it's lifespan) and will press for one very soon. This is a chance for us to do two things:

  1. Get the stadium with provincial and fed money kicked in. You know they wouldn't pay a dime towards a new TiCat stadium otherwise. This isn't Toronto. No provincially funded Skydome project will ever happen here.
  2. This might be our only chance to put this new stadium in a proper location. the PanAm folks want no part of a stadium in 'cowtown'. If we wait and try to build a new stadium for the Cats with no PanAm pressure for it to be in the right place, and with no upper government money to help pay for it, we all know that city council will likely stick out in no-mans land for political reasons (aerotropolis) and to save money.

This is the best chance to get the stadium at a discount to local taxpayers (apprently Sam Merualla's constituents would rather wait and pay millions more. More power to them) and in the right location.

The North End neighbourhood association has a right to ask questions about the project and to ensure that it is done properly, but to suggest that property values will go down if it is built at the West Harbour location is laughable. As if all the empty, burned out warehouses there now are boosting their property values.

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