Comment 28930

By jason (registered) | Posted February 21, 2009 at 14:03:27

actually, the velodrome proposed will be a permanent one, built with the stadium.

I know some of the north end neighbours will complain about this plan, but let's keep in mind that as far as vehicle traffic is concerned, most cars will use Bay St from downtown to the stadium at Barton as well as the 403 and York Blvd.
As much as some of the folks along the west harbour wish they could put up big walls preventing the rest of the city from enjoying the waterfront, they need to remember that it was city tax money that was spent to clean up the waterfront. The entire city has a right to enjoy it. The rapid transit stops at Barton/James (A-Line) and King/Bay (B-Line) are mere minutes to the stadium. I know some people in the north end who didn't like Mr. Turkstra demolishing an old, run-down house and building a monster home bigger than anything else around it. Kind of hypocritical for him to now complain that old warehouses might be torn down and replaced with a stadium which is larger than other buildings in the area.

The traffic calming plan, 30k speed limit and physical changes to the roads in the north end will help mitigate traffic concerns in that area. I live in Strathcona near York/Locke. Our area is WAY closer and will be WAY more impacted by this stadium location than someone at Burlington St and James North. And I'm all for it. I realize that the status quo is simply not acceptable in this city. I look forward to the day when thousands of people come into the area and into the downtown core on a regular basis.
Sadly, some folks in Hamilton want their own little slice of paradise and then have no problem telling the rest of the city to get lost and stay dormant/depressed. Humans are selfish. I shouldn't be surprised.

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