Comment 28696

By Balance (anonymous) | Posted February 13, 2009 at 19:30:28

Ryan you are right on, Jason take a lesson here. I'm not saying that the regulations make sense but nonetheless, they are the rules and fairly applied. 150 parking spaces for a site along an arterial road with an abundance of public transit does not make sense. I will guarantee that if the proponent submits the required application that the bureaucrats and politicians will have no problem waving this requirement. The point is they need to apply instead of running to the media and crying poor me. Watch and see, I have no doubt that they will be able to move forward, it is common sense. For example, a couple of blocks away in the "Downtown Core" if you are converting space to a use that requires additional parking over the present use then it is waved due to public transit and full site coverage. You only need what you have that existed when the new zoning by-law was passed for the downtown core a couple of years ago. This is not rocket science and was copied from by-laws across the province. They need to suck it up, make the application and move on to success. I wish them all the best!

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