Comment 28679

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted February 13, 2009 at 14:47:16

Highwater, >> 1. Rudely monopolize any and all conversations to flog the only idea I have, no matter how irrelevant to the topic at hand.

You may have more ideas than I do, but they are all based on the same bent mentality that believes that only government schemes can produce wealth. If this was the case, why isn't Hamilton, which is a monument to big government schemes and high tax rates, the richest city in Canada? It's because you are wrong and the proof is reflected in the fact that cities and provinces with low tax rates are becoming wealthier, while Hamilton sits on its a#$.

If tax rates don't matter, why does Burlington have higher property values and less vacant buildings than we do? They don't have LRT, are more sprawling and yet more people want to live there than here in Hamilton. Explain that.

>> If this was my site I would have already sent an email asking you to post on topic or have your IP banned.

If Ryan wants to ban me, that is his prerogative. However, banning points of view simply because they don't follow the agreed upon narrative, will only lead people to believe that you are scared of debate. But go ahead, ban me if the technology permits, I don't mind.

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