Comment 28668

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted February 13, 2009 at 11:45:29

Jon C, >> It's like you've forgotten every other thread where you've gone on about taxes an no one cares.

If you don't care about paying high taxes, then you're a moron. I guess that's why Hamilton is such a basket case, nobody has enough self esteem, or brains to ask for their money back. I want my property taxes lowered and my property values to rise, so I will continue filling your heads with the idea until enough people agree with me.

>> Why stop at 3%, how about 0%.

You're on the right track, but maybe we should start by lowering our tax rates to GTA levels, which would be around 1% for residential and 2% for commercial. If this took place, property values would start to move in line with places like Burlington, Oakville and Mississauga.

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