Comment 28433

By Grassroots are the way forward (registered) | Posted February 04, 2009 at 00:27:59

Fascism or is it corporatism.

A Smith: I watched an interesting video, Freedom to Fascism, have you heard about this or watched this? You have good points about the size of government and liberty and private property but

after listening to a story on the CBC about the tailing ponds in the Tennesee Valley of coal ash that have broken down, I have to wonder about the fact of the corporations that have lobbied to have the lack of regulations in regard to the protection of the environment and the people. Do you think it is appropriate for the Business voices to direct policy that is detrimental to the people? Do you think it is right that the people in this particular area have to drink water that is now laced with heavy metals?

or how about the on going global, economic issues that are directly related to "greed", lack of regulation, lack of accountability.

If you ask me, there has to balance, the people have lost their voice because of the voices of those that are the rich and powerful, the many multinational corporations that continuely ask for more de-regulation, less accountablity and so on.

Some time ago, I received an email about a concern in the US, where those voices from the HMO's were lobbying for the following: Women who go to the hospital to have a masectomy, were to be released from the hospital as soon as they woke up from the aethensetic(sp??). The doctors were saying that these women needed at least two to three days in the hospital, not only because of the physical issues but also of the emotional issues. Do you think that this approach is correct because I don't. I find it quite atrocious that a "business body" has more say then the doctors themselves over the care of their patients. Do you not think this is callous? It is a slippery slope when we have number crunchers dictating concerns over and above the human element.

I like the fact that this medium exists, as it does bring other voices into the mix, it gives the opportunity for people to mix it up and out of that mixture, hopefully change will come.

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