Comment 28327

By @LL (anonymous) | Posted January 28, 2009 at 01:23:04

I'm done. I've got better work to do. Please start reading posts instead of just skimming them. Better yet, maybe you should take a break from here, actually read Adam Smiths "Wealth of Nations" and do a summary of it. Id like to read that. Do something other than repetitiveness. Do some work to add value to the threads.

I'll spell it out as clearly as I can:

1) I think the importance of accumulating assets in human personality is mutable and variable.

2) The importance of accumulating assets varies from individual to individual. Since a level of capital accumulation dictates power in the labour market, labour markets are not free and voluntary associations. (I just read an interesting article linking index/ring finger ratio, exposure to testosterone in the womb, and success on the stock trading floor. Should such a chance physiological occurance confer hierarchical power and class status?)

3) The importance of accumulating assets to individuals is conditioned by culture they were brought up in and the way they were socialized as children, which varies from culture to culture and changes from period to period. (This is basic social science. You might recall "nature vs. nurture".) Therefore, a less competitive and warlike cultural norm is possible. (Look at Scandinavia in Viking times vs. Scandinavia now).

4) One's access to prior accumulated capital varies according to the social class one is born into. I'm sure you can fill in the rest.

5) One's access to prior accumulated capital varies according to the country one is born in.. etc.

Good day.

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