Comment 28326

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted January 28, 2009 at 00:19:17

LL, I will ask you once again, if you don't believe that accumulating assets is important to people, then why go to the trouble of trying to abolish private property? If you are correct, then people should voluntarily share their wealth with others. Furthermore, if wealth isn't important, then why do you care if some people have more money than others, as long as everybody has the basics, like food and shelter?

However, if you do believe that humans are motivated by material wealth, which makes more sense, then why would you expect people to go the extra mile, if their rewards will be less than the extra effort they put in.

Furthermore, why do you assume that individuals that fail to pull their weight in making valuable contributions are entitled to reap the rewards they had nothing to do with? It's like giving every student the average class test score, whether they deserve it or not. If your goal is to reward slacking off and penalize hard work, then your right on the mark.

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