Comment 28306

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted January 26, 2009 at 02:16:48

LL, I really don't care what the natives do, but if they are smart they will learn to play the game called reality and not stick their heads in the sand hoping we go away. The fact of the matter is, ethnic Europeans have a long history of warfare and exploration and that is our cultural heritage. Just as other cultures have been living in the jungles or the arctic for centuries, we have been building civilizations based on technological progress and we will continue to do so.

Furthermore, if our culture of private property and individual rights is so bad, how is that we created most of the wealth, even though we have a minority of the population? The reason for that is because it works. That is also why countries that are recent adopters of free markets and private property are leading the world in growth.

However, if native people want to live in communal fashion, I don't have a problem with that, as long as they do it on their land and without our tax dollars to support them. If the argument is that all of North America is their land, I have a problem with that. I was born in Canada, not Europe, so I am a native of this land just as much as they are, as is the case with most Canadians.

You also state that money isn't an important motivator in people's lives. Okay, well if that's the case, then as long as the poor have food, water and shelter then there shouldn't be any need to spread the wealth beyond that. Therefore, we should allow the bulk of people's earnings go into their private bank accounts. Fantastic. I'm glad we agree.

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