Comment 28296

By LL (registered) - website | Posted January 24, 2009 at 19:28:25

A Smith said:

"As far as the native population goes, I don't favour the idea of kicking them out, in fact I would like to see them be given ownership in large tracts of this land, if not most of it... When property is made private, people tend to manage assets with an eye towards making money and that includes protecting the land from destruction."

This might be a great idea in the "ideal type" of the free market that's in Smith's head. But in the concrete, historical capitalism that's actually happening, resource companies are the ones coming in and destroying these habitats. Meanwhile, the indigenous communities you're talking about don't traditionally have money or private property. They have chosen to practice a communal lifeway -because that's what allows cultures to survive in that environment.

And large, bureaucratic, centralized, authoritarian, profit driven organizations are violating this choice - with full, violent support of the State.

Try reading some anthropology - or even a grade 9 geography textbook - if you're going to insist on taking up half the space on this blog with your lectures on social theory.

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