Comment 28292

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted January 23, 2009 at 19:56:54

LL, the Amazon is worth what people are willing to pay for it, no more and no less. Therefore, if it is as important to human beings as you say it is, this will be reflected in the market price. As far as the native population goes, I don't favour the idea of kicking them out, in fact I would like to see them be given ownership in large tracts of this land, if not most of it.

However, once this legal title was given to them, they would also be free to sell it on the open market, or develop it themselves. The point is that land be owned by "someone" and not everyone. When property is made private, people tend to manage assets with an eye towards making money and that includes protecting the land from destruction.

I am happy for you that you have been championing decentralization for as long as you have, but you're way off the mark as far as abolishing private property. Without private property, there is no incentive to work hard or take risks. If my efforts are shared equally amongst the community, regardless of how much I suffer, or how little they do, do you think I will want to keep struggling? No. However, when you allow people to keep the fruits of their labour, you give them a reason to work hard. Private property, therefore, stimulates people to work hard and to bring forward new technologies that help everyone in the long term.

Corporations are indeed centralized organizations, however, the smart ones also listen to their worker's input. Therefore, while there is a chain of command in terms of making spending decisions, corporations run by ivory tower CEO's usually don't stay in business for very long. That is the difference between the free market and government. In the free market, if you make bad spending/investment decisions, you run out of money, thus limiting the overall destruction of capital. In government, spending is not based on increasing value to society, but only on keeping yourself in power. That is why you want to keep the money in the hands of the individuals, because they know what is valuable to their own lives and what isn't.

If you don't want to respond to this post, nobody is forcing you, but I will write what I want. If you don't like it, too bad.

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