Comment 28206

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted January 15, 2009 at 00:10:23

Truly a tragedy. It is the innocents on both sides that suffer the most. How can anyone condone random rocket attacks any more than condone the casualties inflicted by the Israeli army.

Ramzy, I find it interesting and insightful that you accept the Aljazeera version so quickly. Do you actually believe that their version is more accurate than CNN or do you just like their spin better?

No more hammers, careful how you phrase things like "Hamas will never have the power to eliminate Israel so no matter any rhetoric coming from some of them, this is not a reason for military aggression." That's exactly how Israel started 60 years ago. They started as terrorists bent on getting their own country and they did. Maybe that's why they are so scared by the terrorist attacks by the Palestinians and why they always respond so quickly and forcefully to any terrorist attacks on Israel. They remember how they did it themselves. This is most certainly armies at war. Just because one side has no uniforms does not make them civilians. Both side's armies are inflicting casualties on civilians, innocent and otherwise. Armies always have and I suspect will for a long time to come.

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