Comment 28138

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted January 11, 2009 at 22:00:51

Todd, being energy efficient is not a bad thing, but neither is making lots of profits. If you bring people products that help them save money and make them feel like they're helping their environment, then you deserve to be rewarded for doing so. If you don't help people, you won't have to worry about making too much in profits, because people will buy elsewhere.

Furthermore, if you make lots of money selling products you believe in, you can use this money to invest in research that adds even more benefits to society.

Therefore, rather than feeling bad about making lots of money, just focus on putting out the best, most useful products you can. If you do this, you will undoubtedly give more to society than you keep in profits. Finally, if you still feel bad about having lots of money, give portions away to groups that can buy conservation land on the open market. However, if you never make any money, you ultimately limit the amount of influence you can have on your world.

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